Tuesday 20 May 2014

Why It Is So Important to Treat Dizziness

Dizziness and Doctor Visits

Dizziness is one of the top three reasons that people see their doctors.  A full 80% of people over age 65 have experienced dizziness and as many as 35% of Americans over the age of 40 have experienced a vestibular disorder.   BPPV  is the most common of all vestibular disorders and the most common cause of vertigo, or a ‘spinning’ sensation.

Dizziness and Seniors

Despite it being increasingly present as we age, BPPV frequently goes unrecognized, especially in seniors where dizziness is often assumed to be related to other health issues.  “Patients with unrecognized BPPV were more likely to have reduced activities of daily living scores, to have sustained a fall in the previous 3 months, and to have depression. These data indicate that unrecognized BPPV is common within the elderly population and has associated morbidity.”  [Oghalai JS1, et al. Unrecognized benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in elderly patients.  Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2000 May;122(5):630-4.]

Dizziness and Injury

 Dizziness and unsteadiness are also very common complaints following whiplash disorder or concussion, and their presence is related to a longer recovery.  Vestibular involvement is often overlooked in post-concussion care.  The most current research and consensus statements suggest that combining vestibular rehabilitation and multimodal physiotherapy may optimize outcomes in those with persistent symptoms of dizziness, neck pain &/or headaches (McCrory et al 2013). 

Dizziness and Return to Work

According to a 2005 study conducted by Chamelian et al, dizziness is a negative predictor of return to work success. 

Seek Help!

Intervention is very important to avoid the downward spiral that can occur if dizziness disorders are not addressed. Some of the effects of untreated dizziness are:
  • Falling, or fear of falling
  • Decreased activities
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Memory and concentration issues
  • Fatigue
It is extremely important to seek medical advice from a doctor knowledgeable in vestibular disorders or a vestibular rehabilitation specialist to treat dizziness and recover from any vestibular deficits that may be occurring.

Contact us to find a vestibular specialist near you.