Monday, 16 December 2013

Why Vestibular Rehab?

How Many People Experience Dizziness?

Dizziness is among the top three reasons why people see their doctors, and vestibular disorders can affect people of any age. Approximately 35% of Americans over age 40 have experienced a vestibular disorder.

80% of people over age 65 have experienced dizziness, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) - when crystals get displaced into the semicircular canals - is responsible for at least 50% of dizziness in seniors. BPPV is also the most common vestibular disorder, and fortunately, the most straight-forward to treat.

People who go untreated for their dizziness problems may risk experiencing depression, anxiety and a higher chance of falling. In addition, if it's hard to get out of bed or move around without feeling dizzy, there is also a risk of becoming less physically active or not active at all.

Untreated dizziness problems can lead to isolation

Effects of Dizziness

Dizziness can lead to:

  • increased fear of falling or increased risk of falling
  • less mobility, which leads to isolation and deconditioning
  • anxiety and depression
  • increased memory and concentration issues
  • less likelihood of experiencing positive outcomes in other areas of treatment
Sometimes people who are experiencing dizziness may adopt new ways of moving to try and avoid the feeling of dizziness or whirling. They might move very slowly or swivel their whole body instead of their head in order to look at something, or look down at the ground all of the time to try to get their bearings. But these patterns can give people headaches and muscle tension, and just tire them out that much more. Research shows that avoiding the sensation of dizziness at all costs, actually slows down recovery.

Vestibular Rehab is an Exercise-Based Approach

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is an exercise-based approach that retrains the brain to process coordinated information from the vestibular system, proprioception, and vision.

Research shows that Vestibular Rehabilitation is:

  • applicable to anyone of any age
  • effective regardless of how long a person has had the dysfunction
  • has no reports of adverse effects

If you are dizzy or experiencing vertigo, please contact us for more information.